shelly beach

Manly : Shelly Beach

One of the must-do’s when visiting Manly, a very easy walk to Shelly beach, the only beach that gets the sunset on this side of the Australian Coast.

  1. The WALK – a stunning and relaxing 20 min meander along a flat path from Manly to Shelly Beach
  2. The VIEWS – so relaxing you should stop and take it all in at a blue bench along the way
  3. The COFFEE – great coffee, friendly people at Havana Beach cafe. If you’d rather grab one at the end, the Boathouse Shelly Beach is your destination. Although just to warn you it gets busy!

Havana Cafe ManlyFab coffee!Manly to Shelly path

If you’re not driving, try the route planner on 131500.

Lets walk for that coffee! 🙂